We are an innovative and progressive Notary Public service using our experience and professionalism in notarising and legalising documents for worldwide use to provide our clients throughout Northern Ireland and further with a confidential and efficient service, processing documentation the same day they are received.

✆ +44 (0) 2871 365 636

✆ +44 (0) 7851 321 870

✉️  info@notarypublicni.com

  • We notarise documents
  • Provide notarised certified copies of documents as true copies of the originals
  • Notarise/ Verify that a document was indeed signed by the person who purported to sign it
  • Issue Notarial Certifications
  • Have documents notarised and/ or legalised under Apostille
  • Present documents to Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
  • Present documents to and be authenticated by the appropriate embassy.

Notary Public NI


✆ +44 (0) 2871 365 636

✆ +44 (0) 7851 321 870

✉️  info@notarypublicni.com

✉️ Clarendon Street Chambers

       67 Clarendon Street

       Derry/ Londonderry BT48 7ER


✉️ Ebrington Chambers

       Cunningham Building No.4 Ebrington Square

       Waterside Derry/ Londonderry BT47 6FR